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Yoga is Ocean of God's blessing

Yoga brings the best out of you.

Yoga is Ocean of God's blessing
Image Source: Pxabay

Yoga is a pattern to make you healthy and happy. It is a way to know the truth that God’s blessing is always there with you. If you are in stress, depression and feeling of unhappiness, yoga is the best path to get out of all those miseries. Never think yoga is a boring body movement, it has the power of curing many diseases. It improves health and stamina; it also removes obesity, migraine pain, insomnia and many other common dangerous diseases. Few Yoga benefits are written below

  1. It’s a technique to exercise: If you are moving your body slowly and steadily for different asanas and then it is a yoga and the same if you are doing in a faster way then it is exercise. Yoga provides all that a gym can but in a pleasant and safe way.
  2. It rectifies your breathing pattern: When you perform exercise or yoga, to get more plus points, you need to know about the right timing for breathing in and out. The repeated and controlled breathing pattern helps more oxygen to reach out to several organs of the body. This deep breathing fights off with several lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol.
  3. It provides the ability to control your mind: While performing yoga, the practitioner is able to control his mind. The practitioners concentrate and focus on the body and he understands what body is telling him. Moreover, the entire practice does not over-stimulate the body and mind – making you calmer and more self-content.
  4. It will improve your flexibility: Obesity is the root cause which does not allow to be slim and flexible. Obesity does not allow you to touch your toes with your fingers without bending your knees. Yoga and right intake of food help you to perform it.
  5. It’s a remedy for obesity: A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that practising yoga can help promote mindful eating. The study found that breathing techniques with yoga strengthens mind and body connection and help you deal with emotions that fuel stress eating.
  6. It will boost your immunity: A recent Norwegian study found that yoga affects the way your body reacts to attacks on your immune system. It stimulates changes in gene expression and boosts your immunity at the cellular level. Yoga also helps to better one’s immunity by improving your overall health.
  7. It will help you improve your posture: A bad posture is due to bad habits. Yoga helps stretch and tone muscles over the body which in turn gives you better posture.
  8. It will protect you from injuries: Practice of yoga makes you stronger and it can help prevent sports injuries. Manchester United legend Ryan Giggs who’s still plying his trade at the age of 41 believes yoga is one of the primary reasons for him avoiding injuries over the years and his longevity.
  9. It will help you beat migraines: The root cause of migraine attacks is the low supply of oxygen to the brain. Practitioners of yoga that practising sirsasan or the headstand is known to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, which helps relieve a migraine.
  10. It will help you sleep better: A study performed in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School found that the regular practice of yoga helped chronic insomniacs deal with the disease. It helped improve their sleep patterns – helping them sleep better, stay awake during the day and made them feel more energetic


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