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Clear-cut understanding is the best remedy to Corona

Clear-cut understanding is the best remedy to Corona
Image Source: Pixabay

Many instances unknowingly we are inviting the troubles and difficulties. But occasionally the hassle comes with our acceptance. This time corona is going to happen to everyone, not due to the fact of the virus however due to our anxieties about the problems. This can be proved by the following example.

When a prisoner was once sentenced to death in the United States, some scientists thought that we need to do some experiments on this prisoner. The prisoner used to be informed that he shall be killed with the aid of the assault of toxic cobra as a substitute for hanging.

A giant venomous snake was brought in the front of him, they closed the prisoner's eyes and tied him to a chair. He was not bitten by a snake, but two safety pins had been pierced, and the prisoner died within two seconds.

Postmortem revealed that the prisoner's body contained venom similar to snake venom. Now where did this poison come from, or what triggered the death of the prisoner?

That poison used to be produced by his own body due to mental trauma! Every decision you make produces a wonderful or terrible change in your body and therefore your body produces hormones.

The root cause of 90% of ailments is the energy generated by using terrible thoughts like worry and anger. Today man is burning himself with his incorrect thoughts and destroying himself.

Don't go over the statistics because more than half of the people are well, and the deaths are not simply due to only corona disease, they had different illnesses, so they can not cope.

Remember that no one has died at home yet by means of Corona, all the sufferers died were majorly in the hospitals. Reason being the environment in the health centre and the fear in the mind.

Take care of your fitness via keeping a secure distance and by cleansing your hand. But don’t get panic or irritated with the system and situation. Don’t allow fear and anger to enter into your mind. Bring high-quality ideas to get rid of all sort of problems.

Always be joyful to keep your thoughts positive. Good luck.


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