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The mantra of a blissful life

The mantra of a blissful life
Image Source: Pixabay

Neither kill any animal nor be the cause for the murder of any others. Be respectful of other’s life. Neither steal nor strive to cheat others. Keep your heart pure and proceed to be away from ego and self-admire through means of regular workout in search of the truth. This entirely offers peace and salvation to the soul and this is the only way to liberation. For Tathagata, this used to be the decent truth of a happy life. To get alleviation from grief, Tathagata has proven all these ways. In search of happiness and to get relief from grief, many come to him.

Once a woman named Vishakha with her critical circumstance reached Tathagata. Seeing her miserable condition, Tathagata astonished and asked, "Why are you in this situation?"

She informed Tathagata that her grandson died. His loss has disturbed her mental stability. With a very sorrowful low tone, she said, it appears darkish everywhere.

Tathagata requested can you tell me how many men and women die each and every day in this village?

Vishakha replied, I can't say the actual number, however, it's higher than one each and every day.

Receiving her reply Tathagata said, you ought to have a love for the men and women in this village.

Vishakha said in a low voice, yes I love them.

Tathagata asked, what about their son and grandson?

Vishakha said I additionally love them as my sons.

Tathagata said with a smile, "In my knowledge, every day one or more baby is dying in this village. Can you constantly remain in this grief kingdom due to the fact of their premature loss."

Vishakha denied with shock.

Tathagata told, “The higher is the dependency and the closer is the relationship, the quantity of grief will be quite more. The solely way to be absolutely happy in life is no longer to be connected strongly to anyone. Not being tied to a tight bond will make you free.”

Falling in love with anybody or having a lot of affection for anyone will make your journey bad. Relationships in the world are all fragile. Attachment binds us very tightly. To become free and happy, we have to depart our affection and attachments. This is the secret of a blissful life.


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