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Rich vs Poor

Rich vs Poor
Image Source - Pixabay

It is only the mentality which makes the rich different from the poor. Great people always think great. These are some points from the book “How rich people think” by Steve Siebold
  1. Saving vs. Earning: Maximum people want to save money because of their scarcity mentality. Because of that, the brain always wants to avoid loss but rich people have an abundance mentality and they don’t want to save money by sacrificing their precious time. They search for the way to earn money.
  2. Linear vs. non-linear: We have in our mind that more work brings more money. The picture in our mind is like more time spent means more income generated. This is linearity and this is the flaw. If the linearity concept is right and true then Jeff Bezos and others might have died before reaching the world's richest list. Fortunately, the linearity concept is not right and true. Fortunes can be created if we take the right action with the right mentality at the right time. It is not easy but not impossible. The rich people understand this but the poor think of money in terms of hard work and time.
  3. Complicated vs. Simple: People think that earning money is a mystery but rich mentality people think that earning money is not rocket science. Rich knows that money can come by solving problems.
  4. Formal vs. specific: Self-education is better than formal education. Formal education only teaches about a job and creates a linear thinking man. Formal education is not bad but we need to focus on those things which are not taught but important to earn money in our society.
  5. To do vs. to be: What to be is more important than what to do. What you do may not matter, your attitude, character and mentality matter a lot. Staying focussed on your long term goal will surely improve you.
  6. Comfort vs. discomfort: Many people want to get comfortable in life. That may be monetary comfort, physical comfort, emotional comfort or many other types of comfort. People want money but they don’t want hard work. Everyone needs a government job, better health with delicious foods and healthy relationships, but they don’t want to take any type of discomfort. Love of comfort never let them think like a rich man. Rich people don’t fear any type of uncomfortable situation and in fact, they always move towards uncomfortable situations. If you want to grow and become big then discomfort should be your best friend.
  7. Past vs. future: Some people think that the past was better. Sometimes this is also true. But it is better to stay in the present and think about the future. Rich people see bigger dreams and they have a clear vision to make society better.


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