* A new eye. * When a sad state comes to our mind, tell her - oh friend! “You have come, you have done well, your will and you can stay as long as you can.” If happiness has appeared in our mind, tell her, “you have come and you also have done well, stay or go as per your wish”. When you look at the situation of sadness and happiness, you will be surprised to see that they will come in and leave you like a guest, because their religion is eternal. They are not under us, they come and go. So these are not ours. Why fight with them! Dude! If we take this truth into our own eyes, we will be at peace and we will not be affected by happiness or sorrow. It would be great.
Please see this in a calm mind and bless yourselves. There was a hole. There was a gold coin in the bottom of the hole. One by one, 100 people filled their hands to fetch it, but no one could bring it. They were asked why they could not be brought. 99 replied, “The hole is too deep.” The last one replied, "My hand is too small." The story has a mysterious meaning The first 99 are hostile. They blame the hole. They close their eyes to their mistakes. By doing so they make themselves unclean or complicated, but they do not know the reason behind this. In response, many times the precious light of life is extinguished, but they can’t find any improvement. This is truly an impure way of viewing things. Life goes on in sorrow. Because of ignorance, life becomes miserable. Very few are lucky. They can see their flaws in everything. They can see their hands more than the outside hole. Without trying to change the outside environment, they focus on doing inner sel...