To clean hair use shampoo, to clean teeth use toothpaste but to clean our mind, soul and heart, we use Srimad Bhagavad Gita as our best option. Source: Googe BG 1.1: Dhritarashtra said: O Sanjay, after gathering on the holy field of Kurukshetra, and desiring to fight, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do? BG 1.2: Sanjay said: On observing the Pandava army standing in military formation, King Duryodhan approached his teacher Dronacharya, and said the following words. BG 1.3: Duryodhan said: Respected teacher! Behold the mighty army of the sons of Pandu, so expertly arrayed for battle by your own gifted disciple, the son of Drupad. BG 1.4-6: Behold in their ranks are many powerful warriors, like Yuyudhan, Virat, and Drupad, wielding mighty bows and equal in military prowess to Bheem and Arjun. There are also accomplished heroes like Dhrishtaketu, Chekitan, the gallant King of Kashi, Purujit, Kuntibhoja, and Shaibya—all the best of men. In their ranks, they also have the courageous Y...
This is an attempt to share little knowledge and to build a friendship with peoples across the world. Also to share views on how can we make this world a better place to live in. An attempt is to make the world pollution-free with all sort of renewable energies and moreover to get free from mental pollution by attracting joy, contentment, peace, bliss and happiness.